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Walnut Sapling Fertilization

The macro elements that walnuts need most are nitrogen and potassium. Only phosphate and potassium fertilizers are applied before planting. Nitrogenous fertilization is not applied. Before planting, 250 g of superphosphate and 250 g of potassium sulfate are combined with a brush at the bottom of the sapling pits opened to strengthen root development in the first year. It is discarded. It is mixed with 4-5 shovels of soil. In newly planted gardens, it is very important to make a balanced fertilization in terms of hardening the tissue, making fruit buds and developing the crown. serious imbalances occur.
What is the separation period? As the trees continue to grow in June, July and August after the time of awakening, they decide what to do next year. That is, these eyes will be my fruit eye, leaf or branch.
To support the soil with boron, zinc, organic fertilizers and potassium. With the irrigation and fertilization program to be given to you by the supplier company, you will continue the garden application so that the trees will bear fruit on time, and form as many branches and leaves as necessary in time.
Again, our fertilization measurement is our regular application, as stated in the booklet below, for each age of the tree in the years following planting.


In order to get the most out of fertilizers, it is necessary to pay close attention to the time and form of their application to the soil. It is not enough to know only the type and amount of fertilizer to be applied. The important thing in choosing the fertilization time is to provide the necessary environment and nutrients for the plant when it needs it. For this reason, the amount of fertilizer that should be given for certain plants grown in some regions is given at once, while in some regions it can be divided and given several times. If the fertilizer is given too early or too late, the expected benefit from the fertilizer is greatly reduced.
The way and time of application of fertilizers is important for plants to benefit from nutrients. It is not possible to make a generalization about the way of application of commercial fertilizers and organic residues to the soil and the application times. However, in order to achieve the desired benefit from fertilization, it is necessary to apply these materials to the soil at the most appropriate time and in the right way. For this reason, the fertilizer material to be applied should be known very well, the application time and method should be determined according to the type of that fertilizer. It should be known that the nutrients applied to the soil cannot remain in the soil for a long time.


In order to get the most out of fertilizers, the application method is as important as the application time. Fertilization methods can be listed as sprinkling on the surface, application to the band (row), application from the leaves and application with irrigation.


It is the application of fertilizer by hand or by spreading it on the soil surface with fertilizer spreader tools. especially nitrogen fertilizers are applied by sprinkling on the surface. It can be applied before planting as well as after planting or after the plant has developed. Easy fertilization to densely planted plants provides is preferred. It is used for fertilizing very large lands in a short time and in a practical way. The application of fertilizer in this way saves both time and labor.


Fertilizers are applied by hand or by machine, 3-5 cm below or next to the seed or seedling before planting. In the sowing of grains and other field crops with a seeder, the fertilizer is given near the seed along with the seed. Tape application is the most suitable method for elements such as phosphorus and zinc, which are easily transformed into useless forms in the soil. Since it is given to the area closest to the root, the plant can easily take it. It is recommended to apply fertilizers to the band in the plants planted in the row. Since the lower part will be more humid than the soil surface, the usefulness of the fertilizer increases. Tape application is the most appropriate method when the price of fertilizer is high and there is a need to use less fertilizer.
In fruit trees, the application to the tape is made in the form of application to the crown projection. It is necessary to apply especially phosphorus, potassium and micro element fertilizers to the crown projection, to a depth of 15-20 cm, and to cover it with soil after application.
Phosphorus and, if necessary, potash fertilizers are poured into a circular trench with a width of 15-20 cm and a depth of 15-20 cm to be opened under the tree crown (projection) in early spring and filled with soil. In cases where tillage can be done with a tractor, fertilizers can be given to trenches dug at a depth of 15-20 cm parallel to the rows of trees. Rows 1 are fertilized in the first year, rows 2 are fertilized in the second year.

Foliar Application

It is the application of chemical fertilizers by dissolving them in water in doses that will not burn the plant and spraying them on the upper part of the plant and especially on the leaves. With foliar nutrition, it is not possible to meet the needs of all nutrients, especially macro elements, of plants. It is generally a suitable method for fertilizers containing microelements. Application of fertilizers from the soil may not be suitable for various reasons. For example, micro-element fertilizers applied from the soil are ineffective due to lime or high pH in the soil. For this reason, foliar application is the best for eliminating micro element deficiencies effectively and quickly. The application of foliar fertilizers is a helpful and quick therapeutic method, especially in fruit trees. The most important issue in the application of foliar fertilizers is the application time. For example, foliar fertilization should not be done during the flowering period of the plants or during fruit formation. If applied, it may cause burning of flowers and inhibition of pollination. It should be applied early in the morning or in the cool of the evening. The upper and lower surfaces of the leaves should be wetted very well.


(FERTIGATION) Fertilizer is mixed with irrigation water and fertilized together with irrigation. It is a very convenient method in terms of time, labor and fuel savings. However, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers that are easily soluble in water can be given with this method. Fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, calcium nitrate, urea, ammonium phosphate, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, diammonium phosphate can be mixed with water. Compounds that will not be given with irrigation water are phosphoric acid, anhydrous ammonia, ammonia solutions, superphosphate, gypsum, lime and some composite fertilizers. Fertilizers to be used in fertigation should not precipitate in water or form sediment if applied with pressurized irrigation systems.


In general, the application time of fertilizers;
*Climate conditions
*Soil conditions
*plant type
*Depends on the type of fertilizer to be used.


In rainy and humid climate conditions, the application time of fertilizers should be done as close to planting as possible. Because the loss of plant nutrients in the form of washing increases with precipitation. In very hot and very dry conditions, there may be losses from the fertilizer by evaporation and fixation. Considering this situation, the fertilization time should be adjusted. One of the most important issues to be considered about the time of fertilization is to adjust the fertilization time so that there is enough nutrients in the soil during the germination of the seed. Otherwise, the intended success cannot be achieved without fertilization.


Soil conditions should be well known in order for fertilizers to stick in the soil and to be more useful. In light textured sandy soils, nutrients are lost from the soil either by washing or evaporation after the application, since they cannot hold onto the soil. In light textured soils, especially the application of nitrogen fertilizers by dividing is suitable in terms of reducing losses. Phosphorus given in calcareous and slightly alkaline soils undergoes fixation and turns into a form that the plant cannot benefit from. For this reason, phosphorus fertilizer should be applied just before planting or even with planting.


On vegetables and when establishing new orchards, chemical fertilizers should be applied at or immediately after planting. Although the fertilization time of fruit trees varies according to the climate of the region, it should be done in February-March in temperate regions, and in March-April in regions with severe winters. In the first fertilization of that year, all recommended phosphorus and potassium fertilizers and half of the nitrogen fertilizer should be given. The other half of the nitrogen should be mixed with the soil with a rake and watered just before irrigation, after 2-3 months.


In general, it is more appropriate to apply organic fertilizers to the soil in autumn. Because with the winter rains, organic fertilizer will be allowed to penetrate into the soil. Nutrients in inorganic, that is, chemical fertilizers, are ready for the plant to take. Therefore, it should be applied during planting or planting. The application time of these fertilizers varies according to the plant nutrients to be given. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be given before or during planting. Nitrogenous fertilizers must be applied by dividing them several times. Because nitrogen is a mobile element and is easily lost. Half should be given with or immediately after planting, and the other half should be given during the development period of the plant. Nitrogen fertilizers to be applied in rainy regions or sandy soils can be applied by dividing into more parts.


Chemical fertilizers provide single or multiple plant nutrients ready for the use of the plant. Therefore, it should be applied immediately during or after planting or planting. If it is given too early, it either disappears in the soil over time or turns into a useless form that the plant cannot take. If it is delayed after the plant has grown, it remains on the soil surface and does not benefit the plant. Since nitrogen fertilizers are very active (cattle manure), they are washed away by excessive precipitation and irrigation and disappear in gaseous form. In order to prevent such losses, this nutrient should be divided and applied during the development periods when it is most needed. Half of the nitrogen required for that crop that year, that is, recommended according to the soil analysis results, should be given with or just after planting.
Application time of Phosphorus Fertilizers; It should be applied completely just before planting. If the application of potassium fertilizers is necessary according to the soil analysis results, it should be applied. This fertilizer should be given at planting or planting time like phosphorus fertilizers. All of the potassium fertilizers are applied at once. However, it can be given by dividing it into two in areas where it may be lost by washing.


The nature of the soil where the fertilizer will be applied and the climatic conditions of the region where the fertilizer will be applied determine the application time of organic fertilizers. Considering these factors, it is seen that the most ideal application seasons of farm manure are spring and autumn. Here, it is decided whether the application will be made in spring or autumn, considering the climate and soil factors as stated above.
By burying the organic fertilizers applied to the field with a plow, the losses in the value of the fertilizer are prevented. The depth at which the fertilizer will be buried under the soil varies depending on the soil texture. As a general application, farm manures are spread on the surface in light textured soils, then they are spread deeply by ploughing, and on the surface in heavy textured soils, they are mixed lightly outcropping.
Organic fertilizers should be given before planting, taking into account the decomposition time, so that the plant can find ready-made nutrients when planted. Fertilizers should be applied to the soil 4-6 weeks before planting the plants grown in hot and humid climate conditions, and a few months before the plants grown in cool conditions.
The structure of the soil, the amount of organic matter, climatic factors and the type of plant to be grown are effective in determining the amount of organic fertilizer to be added to the soil. Organic fertilizers have a more important function in terms of the properties they add to the structure of the soil rather than the plant nutrients they provide to the soil. The organic fertilizers applied to the soil, the organic matter they provide to the soil, the permeability values ​​and the water holding capacity of the soils, by making a positive effect on other physical properties, make the soils more suitable for growing plants.
Various sources have shown that in fertilization with organic fertilizers, less and frequent fertilization applications are more effective than fertilization programs made in large quantities and in long time intervals. Plant nutrients that are missing in these less and frequent fertilization programs should be supplemented with commercial fertilizers.
In addition, it should not be forgotten that the way of storage until the use of barn manure is as important as the points to be considered during its use.


To prevent losses in barn manure;
• The floor of the barn should be made waterproof,
• Bedding must be used in the barn. Because the bedding keeps the animal urine and prevents the losses through washing and prevents the loss of ammonia. Thus, it is ensured that the organic matter and plant nutrients in the bedding material are given to the fertilizer and the use of the fertilizer is facilitated,
• Substances such as jibs, calcium chloride, calcium nitrate are added to the barnyard manure to prevent the loss of existing nitrogen in the barnyard manure during maturation,
• If phosphorous fertilizer with 7-8 kg phosphorus (P2O5) calculation is added to 1 ton of barnyard manure, nitrogen loss of the fertilizer will be prevented and the fertilizer will be enriched with phosphorus,
• Do not store the manure coming out of the barn in an open area and in a dispersed manner, the fresh manure extracted from the barn should be kept in a regular heap in specially made manures,
• During the storage of barn manure, it should be matured as compressed and airless as possible. Thus, the loss of nitrogen and organic matter is reduced,
• In order to reduce losses, barn manure should be stored covered in areas with heavy rainfall. In order to prevent loss by leakage from farm manure, they should be matured on a concrete or compacted ground, and the liquid material coming out of the manure washed with rain water should be prevented from leaving the environment, and if possible, they should be returned to the heap,
• In places with little rainfall, fertilizers should be stored in a well-compressed heap in a rather high place that does not catch the wind. The heap should be kept covered with a thin layer of soil or a cover layer rich in organic matter.
In order to prevent the losses listed above, it is necessary to use a manure plant with appropriate characteristics.


Organic fertilizers used in agriculture are very diverse. If we list the general points to be considered with the application of these fertilizers in the form of substances:
• In order to get the maximum benefit from the organic fertilizers to be applied, the C/N ratio should be less than 1/20.
• Organic fertilizers (especially farmyard manures) to be applied must be well burned,
• Before the application, the amount of nutrients should be known and the amount to be applied should be determined according to the nutrient content,
• If organic fertilizers are to be stored before application, they should be stored in such a way that they are least affected by environmental conditions,
• In order to keep the nutrient losses that may occur from organic fertilizers to a minimum, the fertilizer applied to the field should not be left in the open, the fertilizer brought to the field should be brought under the soil with a plow as soon as it is applied to the field,
• When immature organic fertilizers are applied to the field, they can do more harm than good to the plants, because while the decay continues in the soil, the bacteria formed use the nutrients in the soil,
• In green manure, when the green manure plant is to be brought under the soil by plowing, it should be adjusted very well. If the main plant is to be planted after the plant is buried, sufficient time should be allowed for the buried plant to rot.
• It should not be forgotten that the organic fertilizers to be applied do not only provide a nutrient, but also a material that positively affects the soil structure, and attention should be paid to this feature in applications.